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Related Questions

What happens if the vehicle is returned with less fuel?
Do I need to return the vehicle with a full tank of fuel?

Typically, Simba Car Hire does not offer direct fuel reimbursement options for corporate clients. Instead, the corporate renter is responsible for covering fuel costs during the rental period. However, there may be some flexibility or options for corporate clients depending on their specific agreement:

  1. Prepaid Fuel Packages: Some rental services offer a prepaid fuel option where corporate clients can pay for a full tank upfront and return the vehicle without refueling. If this option is available, it simplifies the process and avoids any need for reimbursement.

  2. Fuel Cards: Some corporate rental agreements may provide fuel cards or suggest corporate clients use specific providers for fuel management. This allows companies to track and manage fuel expenses more efficiently, without needing direct reimbursement.

  3. Mileage-Based Fuel Costs: In certain cases, the rental agreement may include terms where fuel costs are factored into the overall rental rate based on mileage. This could effectively function as a form of fuel cost management.

To fully understand fuel policies and any potential reimbursement or prepayment options, it’s recommended that corporate clients consult their specific rental agreement or discuss these options directly with Simba’s corporate account management team.

Are there any fuel reimbursement options for corporate clients?

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